This Side of the Nether

The Demographic Survey

1105 people participated in the Demographic Survey between Feb. 1, 2000 and March 1, 2000. Their information was entered into an Access 2000 database. I kept the database, so information will be posted here as well as in other locations once it is available.

So far: I've been able to set queries to count responses to multiple choice questions. These are the results of those queries. Percentages are rounded off to the nearest 1% and all answers are abbreviated but hopefully still recognizable.

Question ChoicesRespondants Percentage
Gender M: 166 15%
F: 935 85%
NR: 4 less than 1%
Age Under 18: 297 27%
18-25: 410 37%
26-34: 264 24%
35-54: 131 12%
54+: 2 less than 1%
NR: 1 less than 1%
Marital Status S: 830 75%
M: 215 19%
D: 39 4%
W: 8 less than 1%
Other: 1 less than 1%
NR: 12 1%
Annual Income Under 18: 193 17%
18-35000: 109 10%
35-50000: 188 17%
50-70000: 201 18%
75000+: 183 17%
NR: 161 15%
Education Grade: 68 6%
Some High: 227 21%
High School: 107 10%
Some Coll: 243 22%
Coll Deg.: 189 17%
Some Grad: 57 5%
Grad Deg.: 77 7%
Beyond Grad: 77 7%
Employment Stud.: 539 49%
Unem.: 38 3%
PT: 431 39%
FT: 87 8%
NR: 10 just below 1%
Hours TV 0: 1 less than 1%
5-10: 253 23%
10-15: 348 31%
15-20: 251 23%
20+: 108 10%
NR: 137 12%
Prior to Doyle's Death, watched BTVS: 11 just under 1%
A: 65 6%
Both: 1029 93%
N: 0 0%
NR: 0 0%
Currently watch BTVS: 230 21%
A: 47 4%
B: 784 71%
N: 40 4%
NR: 4 less than 1%
Regarding Doyle Want back ASAP: 1026 93%
Wish some role: 72 7%
No Pref.: 3 less than 1%
Stay dead: 4 less than 1%
Affect viewing? No: 160 14%
Maybe: 412 37%
Yes: 493 47%
Not Sure: 40 4%


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