Alien Us

A Novel by

Philippe de la Matraque

Back to Chapter Eight | Disclaimer from Chapter One applies


Chapter Nine


"Heard anything from your Winged friend?" Nishet asked beside him.

Kahrae grunted. "Talks about work mostly. I think sometimes that he should've hatched as a Greater Winged."

"Not at all, then?"

Nishet really did seem to have only one thing on his mind anytime they were on shift together. "Well, he did for a moment. In passing. The troop build-up by Buftanis means a higher number of Raptors are likely going to be needed in the future. Including Cold Raptors."

"That's a good sign."

Kahrae shook his head. "If you can call impending war a good sign."

"You don't want it?" Nishet asked, changing the course of the small talk suddenly to something less small.

"What? War?" Kahrae asked in return. "Why should I want war? People die in war. Lots of people."

Nishet did not let up. "So if Buftanis should invade, we should just let them take over and change our whole way of life?"

"I didn't say that," Kahrae retorted, not liking at all the way Nishet was asking him those questions. "I would defend my country without question or hesitation," he said, "but I don't want to have to defend it. I dont want to have enemies that will invade us. That's the difference."

"Just checking," Nishet said, finally smiling. "Can't be too careful with a leak in the silo."

Kahrae tilted his head. "Speculation or fact?"

"Educated guess." Nishet began to stow his weapon. "Break time," he said. "You got this?"

"Yeah," Kahrae replied, scanning the area more closely. If war was in the future, they were closer to it now than ever before in his lifetime. He would have to be vigilant should Buftanis--or aliens--invade.

Hoshi woke up when the door opened, hoping for the little orc and breakfast. She was hungry and frightened, remembering what had come after a day of fasting the last time. But the heat lamps were still on. It was still night.

Malcolm was awake, too, and he pushed himself up only to flop back down. Hoshi was tired and woozy, but she didn't think Malcolm should be that weak. It had only been one day, and they had been given some thin soup just before lights-out.

Then she realized she was weak herself. She tried to sit up but was so dizzy she had to lie back down and close her eyes.

She heard something on wheels. A table. But when she opened her eyes again, she was confused. Radagast was there but he wasn't alone. He had one of the more vicious-looking natives with him. And he had some kind of uniform on.

"The camera?" the new one asked.

"Off. It's kefek," Radagast replied but Hoshi didn't understand all of it. "They'll be sleeping."

It was a trick! Hoshi looked at the camera and saw the red light was off. Trick, she tapped to Malcolm. But they grabbed him before he could reply.

These two had an easier time with him because of his weakness, and Hoshi's sluggish mind realized why they had been given soup. They were drugged.

"Hold him down," Radagast said. "He can't fight me."

It took effort just to turn her face to the wall, and Hoshi felt tears building in her eyes. She blinked and they slid across her nose and the side of her face. She cried in her own frustration and anger. And in sympathy for Malcolm. Wasn't it enough what was planned for them? Hadn't they violated him enough the first time?

She did get it. Really. They collected semen. They were scientists. Probably biologists. Collecting samples from a new species was to be expected, though she never wanted to be on the giving end of that scenario. But they had already collected it from Malcolm. It did not take much to put it under a microscope. Why were these two sneaking around to gather more and what did this new guy have to do with it?

Her thoughts became cloudy and she forced her eyes open. She could hear Malcolm whimpering behind her. Barely. She could tell he was trying not to cry out.

"Does it talk?"

"Of course, he does," Radagast replied. "He's fully equipped for it. He's just exceedingly stubborn at not letting us hear him."

"Maybe the drug will help." The new one's tone changed. It was louder and slower. "What is your name? Why are you here?"

He doesn't understand! Hoshi thought, proud of Malcolm's stubbornness. She just hoped they did not try her next. She would probably give them a tongue-lashing. She might mess up some of the words or get the syntax wrong, but she was confident she could get her meaning across.

"Blood, too," the new guy said, and Hoshi realized she had let her mind wander and her eyes close again.

Finally, Malcolm was dumped back on his mattress. Hoshi tried to reach for his hand, and was surprised when Radagast bent down to help her. Malcolm wouldn't lift his head but he did try to resist Radagast's movement of his arm. They were both too weak, though, and Hoshi grasped his hand, hoping to offer some comfort.

She felt like she was made of lead. As Radagast posed her, turning her head back the other way, she could only let him. He finished with Malcolm and then he and the other left. Malcolm was completely non-responsive, and she could not decide how much of that was the drug and how much was the violation he had just suffered for the second time.

She was so tired but she was determined to do something to trip up Radagast and his partner. He had done something to the camera and posed them after to match what was on the camera before he came in. Her head swirled just figuring that out. It took all her strength to just move her arm enough to change how the sheet lay over her. It barely moved and she was exhausted. She just hoped it was enough.

"I'm supposed to stay late today," Baezhu told his friend at breakfast.

"What's on the schedule?" Kahrae asked between bites.

"Exploratory," Baezhu replied.


"It won't be the last time either," Baezhu told him. "We can't do everything all at once without killing them." He found himself feeling conflicted over it. As a scientist, he was intrigued and anxious to discover more about the aliens' anatomy. But he also kept coming back to the argument that the aliens were sentient. They were people. Different people, but people. They had feelings and thoughts. He wished they would talk. Then they could explain to the aliens what they were doing and why.

"What would happen with your work if we went to war?"

Baezhu wasn't prepared for the shift in the conversation. "War? Why? Has it become that certain?"

Kahrae waved a hand. "Not that I've heard. Nishet just brought up the likely possibility last night."

"Are they still massing on the coast?" War had been something on the horizon since he had hatched, but Baezhu had always felt that horizon to be a long way off. If it finally came to pass, how would that change things? Kennisatae Research Silo was very important right now. Before the aliens, it was a low level assignment. Why else was Bishtae even assigned there since he was considered a crack pot? Of course, he ended up in the right place and was vindicated by the arrival of the aliens. Kennisatae Research Silo then went to the forefront--as far as the Council was concerned. The rest of the world still paid it no attention.

"I suppose we'd keep doing what we're doing," he finally answered. "We just wouldn't get the attention of the Council as much as we do now."

"And what will it do to Turn?" Kahrae asked sullenly. "How can we breed if we're fighting?"

Baezhu laughed. "Buftanis would have Turn, too. We're all on the same three-year plan, biologically speaking." He tried a serious expression. "Besides, depending on our losses, you might need to mate with more females to make up the numbers."

"Ah, one bright spot in war!" Kahrae smiled and took a drink of his water.

Baezhu left Kahrae a few minutes later with a promise to ask Enesh about the quota. On checking in, he had a tough assignment. He went go in with the aliens every morning but this morning he'd take no food beyond fruit juice. Fasting was important but, as the surgery was not set until the afternoon, they could not have the aliens weakened from hunger. Still, it would be hard to give them so little when he knew they were hungry from the day before.

What might they do if they were hungry enough? And what if they suspected the reason for their fast? If they were as intelligent as it seemed, it would not be hard. Food was withheld from them before the last surgery in just the same way. Would they be angry?

He prepared the bowls and the female's gauze and opened the door, surprised to find either of the two awake. The female stirred as he shut the door, but the male was already sitting up. He was at the far side of the room though, covered with a sheet. He scooted closer to the wall as Baezhu came in. The female sat up, too, and looked back and forth between him and the male.

Baezhu was confused by their positions but decided to deal with the female first, as she was not acting abnormally. He set the female's bowl down and held out the gauze to her. She took it but did not move to leave for the toilet as she usually did. The male watched him closely, and he wrapped his arms around his close-tucked legs as Baezhu moved toward him.

This did not seem to be about anger. He imagined the male would challenge him in some way. Or break something. Baezhu knelt in front of him. "What's wrong?" he asked, knowing the male wouldn't answer. He held out the bowl toward him, but the male only tried to push harder into the wall.

Baezhu was surprised when the female came up behind him and took the bowl. She sat down again beside the male and placed the bowl beside her on the floor. She turned an intense expression to Baezhu as she stared at him. Then he finally understood. She wanted him to leave.

Something had happened. To the male. The female did not seem as affected. She seemed more protective or possessive of the male. The male, the confident, defiant being that had destroyed the camera and video display, was cowering against a wall. Whatever had happened had happened to him. Baezhu turned to leave and glanced at the camera high on the wall. Whatever had happened would be on the tape.

Hoshi waited for the orc to leave, thankful that none of the others had come in with him. She glared at the camera which kept her from speaking directly with Malcolm and robbed them both of privacy. She lifted the bowl and held it for him, but he only pushed it away.

She let her long hair hang past her face. "Fruit juice," she said, keeping to a whisper. "You need this."

He only closed his eyes and dropped his head to his knees.

"Malcolm?" She touched his shoulder and felt him shuddering under her hand.

"I can't do this anymore," he breathed.

"We don't have much choice," she reminded him, moving so her back was to the camera. "Those two were using some sort of trick. They'll catch them. I don't think they'll ever do that again."

"No," he whispered. "They'll just cut us up instead."

Hoshi herself shuddered at that and she tried to push the thoughts it brought to mind back out again. She knew it was coming but did not want to acknowledge it. "That's why I need you, Malcolm. You're the strong one."

"Am I?" He lifted his face and Hoshi could see there just how broken he was. The redness around his eyes gave away last night's tears. He looked younger than she had ever seen him, in spite of the beard and long hair. He looked defeated. "Not anymore. I just can't do it anymore."

His head dropped again and it struck Hoshi that he had been the strong one, rarely voicing his usual pessimism. She was the one to doubt, to wallow in the hopelessness of their predicament. Through all they had been put through, she had leaned on him. He had been the superior officer throughout, letting duty prop him up when he needed it. Now not even that was enough. Maybe it was her turn to return the favor.

"Okay," she said, smoothing the hair on the top of his head. "Today, I'll be the strong one."

He leaned over to lay down there on the hard floor so she moved to sit down beside him and let him rest his head on her lap. She put a hand on his shoulder and let him fall apart however he needed to. She would be there for him this time. "They'll come for us," she whispered. "Enterprise will come."

"Something's wrong!" Baezhu reported as he entered the video lab where Kenu and Bishtae were watching last night's tape.

"What's wrong?" Doctor Bishtae asked, not taking his eyes off the tape he was scrolling quickly through.

"Pause that and look at them," Baezhu suggested, pointing to the screen. "Something happened last night."

"Nothing happened," Kenu stated. "They hardly even twitched."

Bishtae did pause it, though, and switched over to the live feed. "What are they doing over there?"

"It's the male," Baezhu told him, glad now to have them humoring him. "He's frightened and won't eat. He shrank away from me."

"Maybe they are apprehensive about the fast," Dr. Bishtae suggested.

"It's more than that," Baezhu held. "He's like he was after we collected semen from him, only worse. There's got to be something on the tape."

"They slept through the night," Bishtae replied, starting the paused tape again. But this time his tone hinted at his doubt. "There," he said as he neared the end of the tape. "He didn't move until the heat lamps turned off."

"Please play it back again," Baezhu urged. He knew something had happened. It had to be there.

Dr. Bishtae stood up. "You may watch it, Baezhu. I've got to prepare for this afternoon's surgery." He indicated the seat he'd vacated and Baezhu sat down. Kenu switched the display to run backwards and then put the live feed on another monitor.

Baezhu tried watching at normal speed, but it really did appear that it was the most boring night since the aliens had woken up from their comas. He doubled and then quadrupled the speed. At some point, the female--on the live feed--did finally drink the juice nearest her. The male was apparently sleeping against her.

Baezhu returned his attention to the tape until his stomach was growling for lunch. He had gone all the way back to the evening before and started forward again without seeing anything. On the live feed, the aliens had finally returned to the mattresses.

Then it hit him. The aliens did not usually sleep well. They tossed and turned and even made noises that might be words. Beside him, Kenu yawned.

"They didn't say anything?" Baezhu asked him. "Mumble anything?"

"Not last night," Kenu replied. He sat up straighter. "You know, that is odd. I usually get something out of them. "Noh" being the most common vocalization. I've still no basis for determining if that's a word or just a sound their species always makes when it sleeps."

"They slept stiller when we first found them," Baezhu offered. "They only really started being this restless after the first procedure. So isn't it strange that they're this still now?"

"Very, actually." Kenu slid his chair over to watch with him. Baezhu started the tape again.

They had reached midnight when Hinath appeared in the door. "Did they do anything interesting today?"

"You're early," Kenu pointed out.

Baezhu leaned forward and backed the tape up again.

"What?" Kenu asked, ignoring Hinath again for the tape.

"I thought I saw something by the wall." Baezhu slowed down the tape and played it forward again. At seventeen minutes after one, the sheet next to the wall at the female's elbow moved. He backed it up to sixteen minutes after one and slowed the display to one-fourth speed. At forty-one seconds the sheet suddenly shifted and then stayed in that position as he sped the tape forward one hour.

Kenu stood up. "That's not possible," he stated. "You had it at one-fourth speed. Each second would take four seconds. If she moved the sheet, it would have been slow."

"What's going on?" Hinath asked, still at the door.

"Go find Dr. Bishtae," Baezhu ordered.

"Sir," a Lesser Raptor said upon entering the Council chamber. He was not addressing Colonel Gaezhur whom he interrupted. Rather, he was addressing the Head Councilman directly.

Gaezhur realized how important--or dangerous--that was and so stepped aside, taking his report on Buftanisian troop movements with him.

"Yes?" the Head Councilman asked, a hint of impatience in his voice. Given, a Winged Head Councilman had never actually bitten the head off of someone who interrupted the Council, Gaezhur thought, so maybe this Raptor didn't have too much to worry about.

"A message from Buftanis, sir," the Lesser reported. "They are sending an envoy under a flag of truce. They seek negotiation with the Council directly--and secretly." Gaezhur realized now that even had that been Head Councilman Gent, who had actually bit the head off someone who interrupted, the messenger would have nothing to fear.

"One envoy?" the Head Councilman asked. "Alone?" Gaezhur did not understand that either. Either they were desperate or they had some trick to put over on the Council.

"He will arrive with a detachment of six guards," the Lesser replied, "and the crew of the airship, of course. But he will enter the Council alone."

The Head Councilman was silent. Grand Raptor Ussa opened his mouth but the Head Councilman lifted a hand to stall him. It was his decision in the end.

"We will hear him," the Head Councilman stated after a few minutes. "Dismissed." He waited for the Lesser Raptor to leave. "Colonel."

Gaezhur stepped forward again and the Head Councilman continued. "Since it is to be held in secret, you, who have heard, will be in charge of securing that airship. I want no surprises, but the envoy and his entourage are not to be molested unless severely provoked."

Gaezhur bowed. "I will be honored, Head Councilman." And he was, too. This way, he didn't have to trust that anyone else was watching this envoy. Zhenah could handle things back at Kennisatae.

Grand Raptor Ussa opened his mouth again, and when the Head Councilman did not stop him, said, "This would explain the halt in the troop build-up. Perhaps they feel they've escalated prematurely."

"Why send an envoy for a secret meeting then?" the Winged Councilman asked. "No, they've got something else up their nostrils. They're too arrogant to just back down anyway."

Hoshi tensed when the door opened again. Her pulse hammered in her chest. She was acting strong for Malcolm but she was terrified. She very clearly remembered the last time they had been left unfed. She knew that one should not eat before surgery.

The only one to enter, though, was Lurtz's little orc. And he had food! He sat two plates of cooked fish and vegetables on the floor with two bowls of fresh water. Then he picked up the two bowls from earlier--one still full of fruit juice.

When he left, Hoshi let out her breath and let the tears fall from her eyes. A reprieve! She was not sure what caused it, but they would not let them eat like this if they were planning surgery that day. Maybe the others had found out about Radagast. She hoped he'd be punished for what he'd done. And she hoped that she had had a part in it. The security problem of Radagast and his cohort just might distract them from their studies. For awhile anyway.

"It's a loop," Doctor Bishtae pointed out for the Raptor that stood in the back of the room. "If you look closely there is a twitch in the male's left leg every thirty minutes from midnight until seventeen minutes after one when the sheet changes."

"Then it is clear someone tampered with the tape," Major Zhenah said.

"You'll be contacting the Colonel then?" Dr. Burha asked.

Zhenah stood up straighter. "Colonel Gaezhur is otherwise engaged," he told them, "in service to the Council. He's left me in charge here. Who has access to this equipment at night?"

"Dr. Burha and Hinath both left four hours earlier," Bishtae explained. "Dr. Enesh is the only one still on duty at that hour, with the exception of the guards." He felt guilty himself, like he was accusing a friend. Which he was, in a sense. A colleague at least.

"Since he has that night shift," Zhenah asked, "he won't be in for hours, correct? Where does he live?"

"He'll be in early," Bishtae told him. "We were going to do an exploratory this afternoon. He should be in in less than an hour."

Major Zhenah nodded. "Until we get to the bottom of this, no one leaves." Then he marched out of the room.

"All that for tape tampering?" Hinath complained. "We don't even know why."

"It has to do with the aliens," Kenu reminded him. "That's enough." And that was enough for Bishtae to accuse his colleague to the Raptors. Duty to the state carried a higher weight than loyalty to colleague, and duty to science mattered even more to Bishtae.

"I think it's bigger," Baezhu finally spoke up from his place against the wall. "If it was Enesh, and he did something to the male, he would have needed help. He was a handful when we collected the semen until we drugged him."

"So was the female," Hinath agreed. "She kicked me."

"He drugged them!" Kenu blurted. "That's why they were so still."

"Oh!" Hinath exclaimed then. "Soup! He had me give them some soup before I left. He had it already prepared."

Bishtae's head was spinning. He'd known Enesh for years. He was a dedicated, analytical biologist. He was quiet and competent. Why would he do anything that required him to hide his actions by tampering with the tape? He didn't want Enesh to be guilty either, but there was no one else to accuse. Even if someone else had gone in there, Enesh would have had to have helped them. And that sounded even worse.

For the next couple hours, he kept busy with inventorying blood, semen, and tissue samples, files and anatomical drawings, just to be sure none were missing or unaccounted for. Everything checked out. Dr. Burha arrived confused by the fact that the surgical room had not been prepared. Major Zhenah, though, had insisted that they keep any suspicions between those who already knew until Dr. Enesh could be questioned. Burha was led to one of the rooms the aliens had first been brought to and told to wait there.

As soon as Enesh stepped in the doorway, Zhenah had him detained. Dr. Bishtae requested permission to question Enesh first, arguing that collegial trust might loosen Enesh's tongue. Enesh was led to the room next to Burha, and Bishtae followed him in.

"What's going on?" Enesh asked as Bishtae closed the door, leaving it open just a crack.

Bishtae knew that Zhenah would be watching, and probably listening. He kept his tone and expression neutral, both to show Zhenah his confidence was not misplaced and to keep Enesh from suspecting too much. "We've had a problem with one of the aliens. Did you notice anything unusual last night?"

"No," Enesh replied, seating himself on the bench that was the only furniture--with the exception of the toilet--in the room. "They slept quietly as always. What was the trouble? Did he speak? Or perhaps break something else?"

Bishtae realized that this was the room the female had been held in. "Too quietly," he said, ignoring Enesh's questions for now. He knew them to be disingenuous. "They were very still on the tape."

Enesh waved a hand. "I'm sure they were simply tired. We were fasting them, after all."

Bishtae was growing less confident by the second. Why had he thought he was right to question Enesh? He was a scientist, a biologist. He studied animals that could not speak. He asked questions of evidence, not beings. How does one draw a guilty party into confessing? Or a colleague into explaining an unauthorized and perhaps immoral act?

He gave up. "She moved, Enesh," he said, dropping all pretense. "The tape looped. there's slightly more than an hour missing. On your watch!"

Enesh's expression changed to one of confusion. He stood and stepped forward as if shocked by the implication. "Who would tamper with our tape?" he asked, still playing innocent.

"Only you had access to it at midnight," Bishtae told him. He stepped closer and put his hand on Enesh's shoulder. "Please, Enesh, tell me you had a legitimate reason for whatever you did to the male."

Enesh pulled back. "I didn't do anything to him."

"Then why drug them hours before? Why tamper with the tape?"

The confusion drained away, leaving defiance in its place. Enesh squared his shoulders and stood up straight. "I didn't do either!" he held.

"You were the only one capable. What do Raptors know about tampering with cameras, Enesh? They can barely run them. You were the only Winged in the silo. And what about the soup? You had it prepared and told Hinath to give it to them. We were fasting them, Enesh. Why give them soup?"

"They were hungry," Enesh stated. "It gave them something for their stomachs. But it was liquid and clear. It would not have held up the procedure."

"We can test the soup bowls, Enesh." This was an area he felt more secure in. Evidence and logic. Enesh could not persuade him to ignore the known evidence.

"Surely they were washed," Enesh dismissed the threat, waving his hand as before.

"It was Hinath, Enesh," Bishtae reminded him. "Not Baezhu. Baezhu spent his morning examining the tape and observing the aliens. He's the one who caught you. He had no time to clean up after Hinath."

Something withered then. Enesh seemed to wilt but only for a second, for one inch. But it was as good as a confession to Bishtae. "Tell me what you did, Enesh," he pleaded. "Give me a good reason for doing it."

Enesh turned away. "I can't," he whispered.

The door opened behind them both, and Major Zhenah stepped in. "Can't or won't?"

Enesh didn't answer, but his breathing did come stronger, showing perhaps a sign of fear. He turned and sat down on the bench again and did not look at the Raptor directly. Bishtae backed up. He would not get between Enesh and Zhenah, not if Enesh was guilty. He couldn't, without risking his own death. He just hoped whatever Enesh had done was not worth that kind of sentence. He stepped out and closed the door.

The Winged was scared. Good, Zhenah thought. Bishtae had done a surprisingly fair job of questioning. He'd broken down the first layer of denial. For that, he wouldn't begrudge the comment about Raptors and cameras. It had worked, and now Enesh was in a more pliable mood. "You were the only one with access," Zhenah stated, stepping closer. He bared his sharp teeth as he spoke. Intimidation was something a Raptor had in his favor. "No Lesser Winged even works with you on your shift. Only you had the access. What did you do?"

Enesh began to tremble. "Nothing," he squeaked. "Nothing that hadn't already been done," he finally conceded, so quietly the recording device in Zhenah's pocket might not have picked it up.

"What exactly was that?" Zhenah snarled to show his impatience.

"Samples," Enesh begged. "I only took samples."

"Samples of what?"

"Semen," he squeaked again, "and blood."

Progress is progress, Zhenah thought, wondering what direction this was going to take them. He had his suspicions, but they could be all unfounded. Still, he knew how to push to find out. "Why?" he asked. "Have these long nights alone tempted you with a new fetish?"

Enesh reacted as if he'd been slapped, jerking back on the bench. "I need it for study," he replied, with more confidence than during this whole inquiry thus far.

"I see," Zhenah said, backing up, lessening the threat of his presence. Enesh had confessed this much. He would admit more. "According to records, it took two of you and a Lesser to subdue him the first time. The male reacted by breaking equipment. Now Bishtae says he's curled up like an embryo on the floor. Personally, I don't care how he reacted, but you Wingeds have certain ethical standards for the treatment of subjects."

"I didn't harm him!"

"Mentally, emotionally, you did. The other Wingeds agree. Cruelty in a scientist. How unprofessional!" He stepped forward again. "And still, it does not address my greater concern. Who helped you subdue him?"

"He was drugged," Enesh replied, openly admitting it since now he thought it mattered less to Zhenah. "I didn't need any help."

Zhenah smirked. "Drugged into that much of a stupor, he probably wouldn't have responded. And you would have skewed your sample. I haven't been assigned to this silo for twenty years without learning anything of science, Doctor." Now he affected a conspiratorial tone and leaned in close to Enesh's ear. "You had help. Who?"

"No one else was even here!" Enesh held. "You even said that yourself."

"I said no Lesser Wingeds," Zhenah reminded him. "And Bishtae said no Wingeds were here. There were Raptors here. Why protect him? Doing so won't keep you from being executed for treason."

Enesh paled. Which wasn't an easy feat for a reptiloid. "Treason?!"

Zhenah stood up. "Oh yes. The aliens are a matter of national security." He turned away, took a step in the direction of the door. "Besides, it's apparent Buftanis knew where to send their drones." He spun back around. "Because you told them!"

"Told them?" Enesh squeaked again, sounding far less blustery in tone than his words implied. "How do you connect taking unauthorized biological samples with telling Buftanis anything?"

"How do you?" Zhenah countered, unperturbed. "Who helped you?"

"No one helped me! And I've never told Buftanis anything! You can check my communications."

"We are," Zhenah assured him. "And we'll check your computer records. Your password, please." He held out a pad of paper and a pen to the doctor. "If you are not a traitor, you have nothing but an unauthorized semen collection to hide. And that's already out."

Enesh sighed and wrote on the pad before handing it back. Zhenah read it. New life. He wondered if that was a reference to the aliens or something more sinister? It was just vague enough to work either way. "I'll take your keys as well, Doctor."

Enesh didn't even bother to raise his head as he pulled the keys from his pocket.

Zhenah had enough for now. He needed to search the Winged's quarters anyway. Enesh was likely all too familiar with the Raptors' repertoire of interrogation methods. A night thinking about them might do him some good. "We'll talk later, Doctor," he said. "And trust me, you will tell us everything."

Baezhu knew Kahrae had come in to the research silo the night before, but he was not allowed to see anyone but the doctors who had reported the discrepancy, Kenu, Hinath, and the aliens. Burha and the six guards who had been on duty two nights before were held in separate examination rooms in the east wing. Enesh was removed from the silo altogether and taken to the military station at Bethae Community.

Baezhu ate breakfast with Hinath and Kenu rather than his best friend. The food was of lesser quality as was the company. Military rations of dried meat and fruit with water to wash it down. It wasn't terrible. It just wasn't as good as fresh food like he and Kahrae would have back in the cafeteria.

The aliens, at least, had had their regular meals. The male had finally started eating again at breakfast, thus inadvertently saving himself from being force-fed. He still acted sullen, which was saying something, given how little the two normally moved.

Major Zhenah was now questioning the guards. Baezhu knew that Kahrae wouldn't have any part in Enesh's deed, but anytime the military questioned someone there was cause for worry.

Dr. Bishtae was not in this morning. Zhenah had sent him with an escort to Enesh's quarters back in Bethae to see if they could find any evidence there. Baezhu thought maybe he should feel sorry for Enesh. His career was over, and, depending on his true motives, he was either going to lose his freedom or his life. But Baezhu found himself feeling vindicated more than sympathetic. He was glad that the alien's assailant had been caught, and he was anxious for the accomplice who helped Enesh to be caught, too.

He even told the male as much that morning, for all the good it did. He had even assured him that Dr. Bishtae felt they had enough semen to study for some time and would likely not require any more from him. Though he had left out Dr. Bishtae's exception. If they did try to breed the two by artificial insemination, they would likely need more.

He tried to focus on watching them with Kenu the rest of the day and finishing reports for Dr. Bishtae, but it only seemed like the hours crawled by. The aliens hardly moved, and the day was completely interrupted by the investigation.

Malcolm hadn't understood anything the little orc had said until Hoshi filled him in with whispers later. But when she had, he realized the sincerity that had been in the orc's voice and tone. He had apologized. He had seemed both angry and embarrassed at the same time.

It was odd and Malcolm found himself with conflicted emotions. His logical mind could tell him that they were scientists, not evil beings bent on torture. They probably had not even realized he and Hoshi were conscious when they were cut open. Until the night before, the Wizards had treated them with analytical detachment rather than any sort of malice.

His heart was still reeling, however, from the violation of the night before--and a few days before that. How could the orcs do such things to him and then come in and apologize? That one told him that Radagast--He needed a new code name for that one--had been taken away for punishment. It seemed so incongruous that they could be so concerned over his feelings because the procedure wasn't authorized when they weren't concerned at all the first time just because it was.

Hoshi was napping beside him. He just could not sleep. Not from boredom. Only when exhaustion took him late into the night could he finally lose himself to his nightmares.

He hated feeling this way. He remembered it, too. Weak. He couldnt fight off the three bullies who had nearly drowned him in his childhood. They had laughed as they pushed his head under the water. He remembered the faces of the other students when they looked at him after he returned to school. Pity. He hated the way their pity made him feel small and vulnerable.

And that was how he felt here amongst giant winged reptiles who could cut him open or violate him so intimately and leave him a broken mess of a man. He hated for Hoshi to see him like that. He hated being like that. He hated them for bringing him to that, and that in time, they might bring Hoshi there, too.

The envoy arrived with surprisingly little ceremony. Gaezhur had the airship zone sealed securely as the airship landed. The crew was told to stay aboard at all times. Only the envoy and his personal guards disembarked. He was a Winged.

They had all ridden in silence to the Council Complex in Zhelm, the capital city. The streets along their path had been cleared as had the entire complex. Only security personnel under Gaezhur's charge and the Council members themselves would be present.

As he escorted the envoy into the Council chambers, Gaezhur hoped this whole meeting would be over soon. He didn't know what the meeting would portend for the nation, but he had heard from Major Zhenah about Dr. Enesh's duplicity back at Kennisatae. Zhenah had even found his likely accomplice, one of the Cold Raptors under Gaezhur's command. Only Enesh had confessed thus far, and only to taking unauthorized biological samples. Gaezhur wanted to be back there getting it from them. He knew in his gut it was more than private study or perversity on Enesh's part. It was treason. He just wasn't certain how yet.

The envoy introduced himself to the Council as Genad and got straight to the point. His Zheiren was perfect if heavily accented when he spoke. "You have a traitor at Kennisatae Research Silo. Do not harm him."

So it was treason! He had suspected a leak to Buftanis but no one had expected one of the scientists who were beside themselves over their new pet projects. Until, of course, Enesh had been caught taking his interests too far.

Still, who was this Genad to tell them what to do or not do with traitors?

Apparently, Grand Raptor Ussa felt the same way. "Who are you to tell us what to do with a traitor?" he spat, standing from his seat.

"I am an envoy of your enemy," Genad stated evenly.

"If there is a traitor," the Head Councilman said, just as calmly, "then name him."

Gaezhur waited to hear his suspicions fully confirmed.

Genad bowed his head to the Head Councilman. "Enesh, a Winged biologist," he replied. "You no doubt are also holding Nishet, a Cold Raptor."

"Another traitor?" the Head Councilman asked.

"Impossible!" Ussa blustered. "Raptors are the defenders of this nation!"

Genad now bowed slightly toward Ussa. "Nishet is no traitor. He is a loyal patriot. Just not one of yours."

While Ussa choked in his vehemence, Gaezhur replayed Genad's carefully chosen words in his mind. No doubt when applied to Nishet. You are when applied to Enesh. They knew Enesh was being held but only suspected their spy had been caught. So the spy was the likely one to tell them of Enesh. Even then Enesh was caught only yesterday. The envoy had been sent before the two were detained.

"We would never allow a Buftanisian spy into our ranks!" Ussa was yelling.

The Head Councilman raised a hand. "Envoy Genad did not come this great distance to save a traitor and a spy. Did he?" Winged or not, the Head Councilman was a quick-thinker.

"I did not," Genad replied, bowing again. "Hold them unharmed, if you would, until our negotiations have concluded. If you are not satisfied then, I shall say no more on the matter."

The Head Councilman nodded. "Colonel." He waited until Gaezhur stepped forward. "See to it they are held unharmed until further notice."

It galled him that either should be pandered to just because this envoy had asked, but bigger issues were in the balance. He kept his tongue and nodded. He hoped the Council would not be satisfied so he could personally stake the both of them. He relayed the orders to a lieutenant and returned his attention to the envoy. He was quite certain now that he knew why the envoy had come.

"Thank you," Genad said. "Now I'll be direct: You have aliens in your possession. A male and a female pair, from a vessel that crashed in your Rihansu desert. We are somewhat miffed that you have neglected to share this incredible news with us. The rest of the world may feel equally miffed."

"Humph," Gaezhur smirked too quietly for the Council--or the envoy--to hear. The rest of the world would fall into chaos if they suddenly found out there were real aliens from another planet. Even telling the masses of Zheiren alone would bring panic.

"We have not shared this news with our own people," the Head Councilman stated, keeping a calm, detached toned. Gaezhur had thought he might try to deny the aliens but seeing as Enesh and Nishet were working for Buftanis, there was little point. "Surely Buftanis would not wish such a calamity to befall all the inhabitants of this world should they suddenly discover we are not unique in the universe."

"We see the wisdom in withholding such knowledge," Genad agreed. "However, we do know and should Zheiren insist on selfishly keeping all knowledge of them to itself, perhaps the international community should be enlightened. We only need tell the government leaders, of the more prominent states, that you have had these aliens--alive--for several months. Harboring or hoarding. Neither would likely earn you favor.

"Imagine," he went on, "if you would, the gathered body of the major states' diplomats pondering what you might be hiding, why you might be keeping them secret. An alliance perhaps? With the aliens and their superior technology? Even if no alliance, the technology in their space ship alone might give Zheiren the power to overthrow us all. Imagine what a clamor that might cause!"

"There is no technology," Ussa spat out, "as I am sure you are aware. The ship was destroyed."

"There is technology," Genad argued. "And we might be willing to share that knowledge if you are willing to grant us a concession."

"What sort of concession would you be suggesting?" the Head Councilman asked, keeping his temper far better than Ussa. Buftanis had them in a box and he understood it as well as Gaezhur. Gaezhur was confident in the Raptors of Zheiren to take on Buftanis. But an alliance between Buftanis and even two of the more prominent states would bring victory into question. Buftanis could bring a full world war.

"You have two of them," Genad replied. "We would take the lesser of the two. You would have the male. We will settle for the female--and certain genetic samples from the male, collected by Dr. Enesh already. We will study the female and the reproductive cycle of the species. We will share with you what we learn. You will share with us what you learn from your studies of the male." He held up a hand before Ussa could bluster more. "And we will give you the location of the aliens' technology."

The Council was silent for a moment, giving Gaezhur time to think. If he were on the Council, how would he vote? If they refused, war would come swiftly as Buftanis would goad the other states with lies and innuendo. If they conceded, they would only lose the female and some dignity. Still, he hated to concede anything to the big-headed Buftanisians. It galled him that they had planted a spy in his ranks and he hadn't realized it. And that spy might likely get away without punishment, along with the traitor, Enesh.

Finally, the Head Councilman ordered him to accompany Genad out of the chamber while the Council debated. Gaezhur bowed his head and gestured for the envoy to precede him out to the corridor. He sat the envoy on a bench and stepped a few paces away, ordering one of the security officers there to put through a call to Major Zhenah. If Nishet was a spy, how many others might be? Was he really that careless with his command? Or did it just mean the Buftanisians were craftier than they were credited as being? Neither option was appealing.

The envoy sat ramrod straight though his head followed Gaezhur as he paced. He did not appear worried about the outcome of the Council's deliberations. And of course, Gaezhur thought, he needn't be. Buftanis would win in either case. They had played well. Better than Zheiren in this round.

One of the lesser Council members opened the door to call them back in. Less than ten minutes had passed.

"I trust you have come to a decision?" Genad said, bowing his head in deference to the Head Councilman.

"We have," the latter replied. "We will grant your concession. You will take the female alien with samples of blood and semen collected by Dr. Enesh. We will take the location of the technology."

"I shall deliver it when you deliver the female to my air ship," Genad said. "I would also request Dr. Enesh and Nishet. I'm certain you no longer have need of the latter, and we do greatly have need of the former. Without his knowledge, we would have to start over completely, thus slowing discovery for both our countries."

"Enesh you may have," the Head Councilman decided. "But Nishet stays with us."

Gaezhur struggled to keep his face devoid of emotion. Inside, however, he was elated with that little counter-strike. Whether it upset the envoy, he could not tell.

Genad only tilted his head slightly. "May I ask why?"

"May I ask," the Head Councilman returned, leaning slightly forward to add presence to his weighty tone, "what Buftanis would do if it found a foreign spy in its ranks? Were he ours, would you politely hand him over to us?"

"I see your point." Genad bowed again. "Buftanis agrees to these terms."

"Zheiren agrees to these terms," the Head Councilman repeated. "We shall have the papers drawn up by tomorrow. The transfer shall take place in two days."

Genad bowed once more and was dismissed. Once again, they rode in silence back to the envoy's air ship. But before he ascended the stairs to the door, he stopped and faced Gaezhur. "Give my regards to Nishet. His sacrifice will be remembered in Buftanis."

"He'll die without ever hearing those words," Gaezhur promised in the same polite tone Genad had used. "Giving him comfort is no part of our deal."

Genad sighed but only dipped his head and turned away. The door closed behind him and Gaezhur was left to his thoughts. Zhenah had given him a status report as he left the chamber. Enesh and Nishet were moved to a secure and isolated facility. They had no contact with each other. Let them stew, he thought. Enesh at least. Nishet could do with some interrogation. Zhenah could see to that. But in just two days, Gaezhur would be back in action. He'd search for the alien technology and tear Nishet to shreds.

Kahrae was finally freed from confinement one hour before Baezhu's shift would end. He, himself, was able to leave for home now that the mystery was solved. It was still a shock. Colonel Gaezhur had contacted Major Zhenah to tell him to hold Enesh and Nishet with no harm until further notice. Nishet had been Kahrae's partner at guard duty for the last few months. Baezhu had a hard time with that.

But not as hard as Kahrae. Dr. Bishtae let Baezhu take off early so he could talk with his friend again. They sat in the small break room at the silo with three other Cold Raptors who, like Kahrae, would be on duty soon.

"Nishet?" Kahrae asked as Baezhu filled him in with the scant few details that had trickled down from Major Zhenah. "I can't believe he is Buftanisian. A spy? Most of the time he just wanted to talk about Turn."

"He did tell you about Buftanis's troop movements," Baezhu pointed out.

Kahrae shook his head. "Still, a Buftanisian! He stood right out there with me every night, guarding against Buftanisians!"

"I can't believe he turned Dr. Enesh," Baezhu said, leaving Kahrae to his bewilderment. "What do you suppose they'll do with them?"

"Gaezhur will either gut them alive or stake them out at Yekina."

Baezhu tried to suppress a shudder at that name. Yekina was a gorge in Rihansu where an ancient river had cut a sharp cliff in the bedrock on one side facing the sunrise. The solar station that powered Kennisatae Research Silo sat on the plateau above. Several high profile criminals had been executed there since the Revolution. Those convicted of treason against the state, mostly. The lucky ones were executed after being staked to the cliff. Bana, the assassin who had killed the third Head Councilman nearly eighty years ago, had taken three days to die. While Kennisatae Research Silo went without notice in most educational facilities, every youth in early school learned about Yekina and the more prominent of the traitors, like Bana, who had been executed there.

"It's hard to think of someone I knew being taken out there," Baezhu admitted. "What could Nishet have promised Enesh to make him willing to work for Buftanis?"

"We may never know," Kahrae replied, sulking. "Even if they're forced to tell before the execution. Which doesn't seem likely if they're being detained without harm. What is that about?"

"Major Zhenah didn't seem happy about that either," Baezhu told him. "I don't think he even knows why."

Dr. Bishtae suddenly stepped in. "Ah, Baezhu. I'm glad you havent left yet. I'm sorry to rescind your early departure but we have new orders."

Kahrae nodded. "Go, we'll talk again at breakfast."

Baezhu bowed his head to his friend and followed Bishtae back to his office. Bishtae closed the door.

"We're losing one of them," Bishtae stated. His jaw was clenched tight and his voice came out harsh despite his pleasantness back in the break room.

"What?" Baezhu asked, understanding that he meant one of the aliens. Bishtae would not care so much what happened to the prisoners now. "What has happened?"

"Enesh," Bishtae replied. "That weak-minded traitor. He's taking the female to Buftanis. I have not been told the details but I can guess a deal was cut. And it doesn't appear we came out on the winning side."

Baezhu couldn't reply. He had no words for his tumbling thoughts. A deal? Buftanis? Enesh would live and defect? He'd take the female with him. That part was coherent.

Bishtae blew out a long breath. "Well, orders are orders. We can only obey. We are to sedate her for the transport in two days. In the meantime, we need to copy all our data."

"We're giving them that, too?" Baezhu couldn't believe the concessions the Council must have given to Buftanis. And he couldn't even come close to understanding why. Buftanis had been caught spying. They should have been the ones giving concessions.

"Enesh probably sent them all of it anyway, but for the sake of accuracy...," Bishtae continued as if not hearing Baezhu. "We are to give them monthly reports! To work with their scientists, sharing our findings."

"What about the male?" Baezhu asked. "He will not like the separation."

"We'll proceed with the exploratory," Bishtae answered. "He'll be sedated. When he wakes up, she'll be gone and he'll be in no condition to protest much."

"Two days?" Baezhu repeated, trying to see how they would accomplish everything in so short a time.

"Fast them tomorrow," Bishtae ordered. "Nothing but water. Start with the records tonight and then go home. We'll have a busy day tomorrow."

On to Chapter 10....

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